Product Information

We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date product information on our website. However, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any product descriptions, images, specifications, or other information. The colors and appearance of products may vary depending on your device's screen settings and other factors.

Pricing and Payments

All prices displayed on our website are in EUR currency and are subject to change without notice. We make every effort to ensure accurate pricing, but errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of a product you have ordered, we will inform you and give you the option to proceed with the corrected price or cancel your order.

We offer various payment methods for your convenience. By making a purchase, you authorize us to charge the applicable payment method for the total order amount, including taxes, shipping fees, and any additional charges.

Shipping and Delivery

We strive to process and ship orders promptly. However, please note that shipping times may vary based on your location, product availability, and external factors beyond our control. Any delivery dates provided are estimates and not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any delays or damages caused by shipping carriers or customs procedures.

Returns and Refunds

Please refer to our Returns and Refunds Policy for detailed information on our procedures, eligibility criteria, and timelines for returns and refunds. We reserve the right to reject returns that do not meet our policy requirements.