JIFTECO is an innovative company that produces biological repellents for coniferous trees against insects and forest animals ( artiodactyls), which have been developed through numerous studies. Recognising the need of the forest industry for a biological solution to protect tree saplings and young stands, professionals from the forest and chemical industries were brought together to create an ecological solution to this urgent problem. Our effective and biological repellent is based on a continuous research process that enables us to improve our already effective and patented formulations.

The Problem

Protection of saplings against damage by the pine weevil

The pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.) is a pest that gnaws on young conifer trees, which subsequently die. In Europe, 140 million forests are destroyed annually by the weevil, which gnaws off the bark of young, unprotected trees. The pine weevil can be considered the most significant pest of young stands in clear-cut forestry. The pest is most prevalent in pine groves, pine forests with spruce understorey, Myrtillosa, and Hylocomiosa, i.e., well-aerated sandy soils. The weevil damages the bark, sprouts, and buds of young pine trees. They feed on the living layer of tissue (the bast) between the bark and wood. The punctures are deep and expose the light wood of the trunk. Damage can be mitigated by leaving clear-cut areas unplanted for at least 3 years, but this production practice imposes significant additional costs for tree growth removal and maintenance (forestry), as well as hinders reforestation and harvesting in adjacent areas and weakens the positive impact of forestry on climate change mitigation. Also, to mitigate damage, removal of logging residues and stumps (which are the source of attraction and feeding for the weevil) after clear-cutting can be carried out, which in most cases is unprofitable as it adds extra costs to the harvesting process, thus increasing the costs of the assortment of trees to be harvested.

Protection of young trees against forest animals (artiodactyls)

When a pine tree is planted in spring, we are already thinking about protecting it from forest animals (roe deer, moose, and deer) in autumn. If a bud is bitten off or the trunk is damaged, the young tree’s growth is compromised, and it will die. Therefore, we treat the tips and side branches of the trees with plant protection products. Protecting young stands against animal damage is particularly important in winter when animals can no longer access a wide range of nutrients, succulent shoots, and leaves. In addition, needles provide the nutrients that animals need during the winter season. Roe deer gnaws on young trees at a height of 0.1–1.2 m, and deer and moose gnaw at a height of 0.1–2 m. Scientists have found that a roe deer needs about 130 kg, a deer needs about 650 kg and a moose needs about 2,430 kg of tree and bush shoots in winter. In areas where wildlife is abundant, such stand protection should be carried out in the first year after the trees are planted until they are at least 1.5 m tall, but after that, it is important to protect the trunks of the young trees from moose and deer.


Reducing damage from artiodactyls and dendrophagous insects has been a long-standing issue in northern Europe. So far, it has been tackled using pesticides. Today, the societal trend is towards environmentally friendly solutions, and the most important certification schemes (FSC and PEFC) prohibit the use of pesticides. According to a patent search, no such biological repellent is available worldwide, and the currently available products contain pesticides. The repellents on the market are water-based solutions containing acrylates, which are non-biodegradable and can potentially pollute the environment. Thanks to several years of research, JIFTECO has successfully developed formulations for innovative plant protection products to protect saplings against both pine weevils and wildlife damage. The formulation developed by JIFTECO is considered unique worldwide and protected by an international patent.


Koksnes ķīmijas institūts
Association of Latvian Forest Owners